
Chia Seeds for Horses – Top 10 Benefits

Chia Seeds for Horses – Top 10 Benefits

Chia seeds have grown widely in the past few years and have been touted as one of the healthiest foods in the world, but what about chia seeds for horses ?

It turns out that many of the health benefits for humans also apply to horses, and they are easy to feed, easy to store, and an inexpensive supplement!

Here are 10 great reasons to consider chia seeds for horses :

Benefits of chia seeds for horses

1. Omega 3

Chia seeds are very high in omega-3 fatty acids (even more than flax and fish oils). They also have an ideal 3:1 ratio of omega-3 to omega-6.

If your horse is out of pasture for only a few hours a day (or less), this is an easy way to add omega-3s, important for overall health, to his diet.

2. Moisturizing

Because they hold 10 times their weight in water, adding soaked semen to your horse’s diet can keep it hydrated for longer and help maintain electrolytes.

Great solution for travel or extreme weather conditions when your horse isn’t drinking enough (see soaking instructions below).

3. East after digestion

Since the seeds contain 25% more soluble fiber (more than flax or oats), they slow digestion and help reduce blood sugar spikes.

This is especially useful if you are feeding elderly or insulin-resistant horses.

The fourth is reassuring

Many soothing supplements contain magnesium, which is very high in chia seeds (about 220 mg per 2-ounce serving).

It’s also a great source of slow-release energy without the “hot” effect seen with oats and other feeds that are high in sugar.

5. Healthy skin / fur / mane / hooves

Thanks to the high content of Omega 3 and essential amino acids, you will notice a new shine and improved hooves growth in your horse.

For an extra mane and tail boost, check out this DIY tail growth serum recipe for horses.

Sixth Allergy relief

Chia seeds are used to relieve skin allergy symptoms and are believed to boost the immune system.

If your horse has itchy skin, chia seeds can provide relief.

Seven, reduce inflammation

With natural anti-inflammatory properties and without the side effects of butter and other medications, chia seeds are a great alternative for recovery or maintenance.

As an added bonus, it is a USEF approved supplement for use on competition horses.

VIII. Muscle Building

Besides getting regular exercise, the 18% protein in chia seeds can be hugely beneficial in building a horse’s muscle.

While grains contain some protein, not many provide enough, which makes chia seeds a useful addition (see also 10 Signs of Nutritional Deficiency in Horses )

9. Preventing sand colic

If you live in a sandy area, you already know the importance of keeping your digestive system clear.

The jelly-like substance that forms when chia seeds are mixed with saliva (or other liquid) helps move food, sand, and other debris through the intestines (see soaking instructions below for other benefits).

10. Long durability

Chia seeds can withstand extreme temperatures and have a shelf life of 2 to 5 years.

This makes them convenient and easy to store, unlike many oils and supplements (excluding.. Coconut oil of course!).

How to feed horses chia seeds

Most sources recommend about 2 ounces (1/3 cup) per day for regular maintenance and up to 4 ounces (2/3 cup) while traveling, doing intense exercise, or for treating certain medical conditions.

Don’t expect to see results right away, it may take several weeks.

Chia seeds can be fed raw and unprocessed directly to your horse or mixed with natural forage. Soaking the seeds before feeding them is optional, but can increase their digestive benefits.

To soak chia seeds, mix 1/3 cup with 2 cups of water and keep in the refrigerator overnight or at least 2-3 hours.

Where to buy chia seeds for horses

You can find chia seeds in most grocery and health food stores, but buying them in bulk (horses) can be very expensive.

Fortunately, there are some great online bulk buying options:

Amazon (Bulk Chia Seeds) (Free US Shipping) – 18 lbs – Prices vary

Chia horse – approx. $5.60 /lb (Free US Shipping) – 25lbs

USA Chia – approx. $6.76 /lb (Free US Shipping) – 50lb Bag

s. Reis from October 2018, they can change at any time.


Here is a brief overview of the benefits of chia seeds for horses :

  • Omega 3
  • wetting
  • easy to digest
  • security
  • Healthy skin / fur / hooves
  • Allergy relief
  • reduce inflammation
  • Muscle Building
  • sand colic prevention
  • long durability

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