
Why are my cats suddenly fighting?

Why are my cats suddenly fighting?

If your cats start hissing and clawing out of nowhere when they used to be friends, you may find yourself wondering, “Why are my cats fighting all of a sudden?” What was once a happy friendship has now turned into bullying and furry fly. Whether they’re fighting because they smell different or they’re freaking out, your cats probably won’t be enemies for long. Here are some reasons why your cats may not get along anymore, as well as steps to help make them friends again.

One cat smells different

If one of your cats suddenly smells different, the other cat may react violently at first. This can happen if you take one of your cats to a vet or groomer, for example. 1   Cats recognize each other by smell and sound, not just by sight. A strange and unfamiliar smell indicates an intruder, not a friend.

Eventually, the two cats will remember each other, but it can be very annoying to watch best friends fight until they find out. Some people schedule vet visits at the same time to avoid this.

If you can’t take them to dates together, try rubbing the returning cat with the blanket your cats sleep on before bringing it home. Another option is to rub your hands with a pleasant scent, such as smelly food or water from canned tuna, and then gently pet your cat. The pleasant smell may overpower the smell of the vet.

Fear controls

Sometimes cats get scared, and this leads them to direct their “fight or flight” reaction toward the wrong target. This may happen if two cats are sleeping quietly next to each other, and then a loud noise is heard. Both cats are frightened and jump and bulge in defensive poses. They see some of them swollen and are afraid to attack the other. This can lead to anxiety and fights until they find out that they are still friends.

They are not safe around the areas

Sometimes, sudden attacks occur due to discomfort about areas in the house. 2   Cats are territorial in nature, but friendly cats have learned to share their space peacefully. If you have recently moved into a new home, they may need to resolve these issues again.

Changes in your life can also lead to insecurity and stress in your cats. If you recently got married, had a baby, or even changed your work schedule drastically, your cats may feel a little shaky and insecure. They can easily get rid of this pressure on each other. When a big change occurs, try to stick to your cats’ routine as much as possible, including mealtime and bedtime. Spend extra time playing with them so they don’t get jealous. be patient; It may take some time to adapt.

Your cat’s territorial instinct for protection can also be stimulated if feral cats are outside and your cats can see or smell them. In these cases, it may be a good idea to close the shades when feral cats are roaming, or even set up motion-activated sprinklers to encourage feral cats to visit a different yard.

Medical issues at play

If your cats aren’t fixed, puberty may be the cause for a sudden fight. If it is sterilized or neutered, it could be a different medical problem. Cats tend to hide health problems, but they can become withdrawn or aggressive if they are not feeling well. If the behavior continues, it may be time to take them to the vet for examination.

You can help them

One easy and effective solution is to set up a comfort zone calm dispenser in the different rooms where your cats hang out. This drug-free solution mimics cats’ pheromones and helps deliver a safe and secure environment. You may also want to try a soothing Comfort Zone collar, especially if your cats go outdoors. This collar with the BreakAway safety feature helps maintain calming pheromones for your cats whether they are resting at home or on the go.

You can also try adding cat trees, condos, and window perches throughout the house to give your kitties more territory to connect with. Long spaces can also increase confidence and reduce fear-based fighting.

If the new behavior is severe, you may need to reintroduce your cats to each other. The process may take a few weeks. Start by keeping them in separate rooms, and replace blankets and other things with their scent. Feed them on both sides of the closed door. When they can eat quietly, try a closed gate where they can see each other. Then you go out for supervised visits with desserts.

When cats that used to be good companions suddenly start fighting, this is generally temporary. But sometimes they need a little help from you. A push in the right direction can help them remember why they love each other again.

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