
How do I introduce my new cat to my cat?

How do I introduce my new cat to my cat?

Adopting a new cat is a special moment for any family. But if you have other cats in your house, you may also feel some stress. How do you introduce your new cat to your older cat, so they get along? Would an established cat be jealous of sharing your attention now that he has a new baby brother or sister? What are the warning signs you should watch out for when introducing cats to cats? The key to maintaining peace is to introduce your pet slowly. Your cat is more likely to accept your new cat if you give her a chance to get to know each other on slow and steady terms.

Understand that introductions are likely to take time

Bringing a new cat home to another cat is a slow process. Unlike dogs, you can’t take cats first on play dates. You probably don’t take your cat for a walk and socialize with other cats, so it’s hard to guess how he will treat your new cat. Cats are often wary and unfriendly when they first meet other cats, but that doesn’t mean they hate each other. Your cat may whisper to a lovable fellow who just got home from the vet just because he smells different. Even cats who are friendly with people they have never met before can be fickle about a new cat. It is important to have realistic expectations; Even the friendliest of cats will need a slow introduction to your new cat.

Prepare your home for the big meet

Don’t just bring your cat home, open the carrier, and release it into your home. Prepare your home for the big introduction. If you can get a blanket for your cat to sleep on, bring it home first and keep it near your cat’s bed. This will help him get used to your cat’s scent.

Set up a room where you can keep your cat safely and separate from your cat at first. 1   You want to “kitten proof” this room and your entire house; Cover any electrical wires, remove any breakable parts, and trap anything your cat may chew or eat that could harm it. You also want to create cat trees and other “high spaces” in your home because cats get along better if they have high sites to retreat to.

A small bedroom, bathroom, or office is an ideal place to keep your cat comfortable and happy while it is separated from your older cat. Include a litter box, food and water bowls, a comfy bed, and toys. Cats especially love the little crinkle toys and the little mouse toys with catnip inside. Ideally, her room would have a window (maybe even with a window perch), so she could watch the world outside and any birds flying by.

Create comfort zone products in your home

Another essential part of preparing your cats for a meet is preparing Comfort Zone products in your home. Your cat’s health is just as important as her physical health, and an emotionally healthy cat is more likely to get along with a new arrival. Comfort Zone products are designed to help cats feel safe, happy and calm using cues they understand.

Use the Comfort Zone Multi-Cat dispenser which can help reduce stress levels in a home with several cats. Connect the dispenser to the rooms where your cat spends the most time and to your cat’s “safe room.” Make sure to do this before you bring your cat home as it can take a few days for the soothing fumes to really permeate the house. (Don’t worry, dispensers can still help if you’ve brought your kitten home.)

You can also give your established cat a soothing comfort zone collar to wear, so that he has those calming cues with him wherever he goes.

Keep them separate at first

For the first few days or weeks, separate your cat and your cat. It’s okay if you want to let your older cat sniff your cat through the carrier before bringing your cat to her “safe room.” But in general, it is best to let them get used to each other’s smells and sounds in a safe and controlled environment where they each have their own space.

Feed them on opposite sides of the closed door at the same time and see how they react to each other’s presence. Once they have calmed down, use a screen to separate them so they can see each other while they are eating. Watch for any signs of stress, such as growling, hissing, tail bulging, body positioning close to the ground, or ears flattened.

It can also be helpful to “switch rooms” from time to time, so that they don’t feel too lively about their spaces. At the very least, switch up some bedding, so they are exposed to each other’s scent.

Once they are both eating quietly on opposite sides of the screen, you can graduate to give them short supervised visits together. If you notice that one cat is stressed about the other, distract the stressed cat with a feather stick or treat.

Remember that sometimes, if your cat pushes the boundaries, your older cat may hiss slightly or even shake gently. 2   stay tuned. It’s just a natural cat’s way of setting boundaries. However, you want to pay attention to their interactions to make sure it’s a nice reminder and not a tense confrontation that escalates into a fight. Once your cat and kitten are better, they may “play fight” from time to time.

Even if they are fine, give them a reward to strengthen the positive associations. Slowly increase their time together until they are no longer separated. Some pet owners may prefer not to leave an adult cat alone with their kitten without supervision until the kitten is older.

Keep your cat’s schedule consistent

Another key to helping your cats get along is to maintain a consistent schedule. Switch from free feeding to scheduled meals before you bring your cat home. Then maintain this schedule once your kitten arrives. Cats tend to get along best when they are in a scheduled feeding environment, so their energy levels are closely synchronized.

Set up consistent playtime traditions and times with your first cat and maintain them once your kitten arrives. Consider including a time when you play with a feather stick or put a harness on your kit-y and take him to the backyard for a walk. Maintain your bonding times to keep his confidence high, and start traditions with your new cat, too.

Patience is the key to success in teaching your cat and kitten. Don’t push them to integrate faster than they are ready. Give them lots of love and lots of time, and you’ll have the perfect home for your cuddly cat.

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