Why do cats have extra fingers?

Why do cats have extra fingers?
What are polydactyl cats?
First, what exactly are polydactyl cats? The word “polydactyl” comes from the Greek language and simply means “many-fingered.” Count your cat’s toes. If the total has 18 toes , five on each front paw and four on the back, then your cat does not have polydactyly . Eighteen is the normal number of fingers that cats are born with. Polydactyl cats have a lot of extra toes and there is no set way for them to appear. Some cats have six toes on each paw, others eight on one. However, the front legs seem to be the most common.
Why do cats have extra fingers?
Cats with extra toes have a genetic mutation that is passed on by a dominant gene from one parent. Polydactyly can appear in any breed, but it has been observed that Maine Coon cats tend to inherit this trait.
Is polydactyly in cats dangerous?
Aside from the extra work of cleaning your cat’s nails, extra fingers aren’t usually harmful. It is important to closely examine your cat’s nails, as owners may not realize their pet has one or more extra toes. Whether they’re very small or buried in the fur, those extra toes grow nails and, if left untrimmed, can burrow into the skin and cause pain or infection . Also, you are more likely to get pinched too many fingers and break a nail or other injury.
How to care for polydactyl cats
Although cats are great at grooming their claws, you should still help them care for their claws and nails by checking them regularly. The nails must be smooth and the paws clean. Trimming the claws from time to time can help prevent them from growing in, which can cause pain and infection.
Veterinary clinics often offer advice on how to trim claws and may offer advice on how to trim your nails yourself. Do not attempt to trim your cat’s claws without being shown how to do it, as they can bleed profusely and are extremely painful if cut too far.
Another thing to know if you have a cat with polydactyly is that its ability to scratch increases with the number of claws. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent your cat from destroying your couch or damaging your carpet, like investing in a scratching post or cat tree. If you want to know more about how to prevent cats from scratching your furniture, check out our simple guide.
Where do cats with polydactyly come from?
History records the appearance of the first cats with polydactyly in the 19th century, on ships that traded between the United States and Canada. Sailors considered these special cats to be lucky and very versatile at catching mice , so they often took these polydactyl cats on voyages. The extra toes not only made them prolific eaters, but they were also well-suited to living on ships exposed to constant winds and waves, as sailors claimed that cats could balance better than those with a normal number of toes. fingers.
famous polydactyl cats
Many-toed cats have fascinated us for generations. These are some of these adorable cats and their famous owners.
Bola de nieve de Ernest Hemingway
Polydactyl cats were so beloved by the writer Ernest Hemingway that today they are also known as “Hemingway’s cats.” His first polyfingered cat, named Snowball, was given to him by a sea captain in the 1930s and more soon followed. Today, the Hemingway Museum in Florida is home to about 50 cats, many of which have polydactyly. It is not clear if they are direct descendants of Snowball, but they are part of the museum’s collection and carefully protected as such.
pantuflas Theodore Roosevelt
In the White House lived a cat with polydactyly and six legs. Once owned by US President Theodore Roosevelt, the kitten was one of many pets brought to the White House by the First Family. Slippers used to be a part of decency when officials visited the president, slept in the drawing room, or joined dignitaries at state dinners.
Jake, the cat that holds the record for cats with the most toes
The Guinness Book of Records even has a special section dedicated to Jake, a red tabby cat. Jake has the most toes, with a total of 28, seven toes per foot, each with a skeleton, a claw, and a pad.
If your cat has at least 18 toes, there is no doubt that he is a special member of the family. If you want to know more about how to groom your pet (polydactyly or not), read our simple guide on how to groom an adult or shorthair cat.