Canaries do not sing: causes and remedies
Canaries do not sing: causes and remedies

Why doesn’t our canary sing? Did you stop overnight?
The reasons why canaries do not sing can be many and varied. In this article we will try to explain the most common causes and a common present.
If the canary stops singing
First we need to clarify if he indicated singing.
In fact, only 5% of female canaries are known to sing. Males are produced and only by a very small percentage of females.
He made it obvious at the time of the purchase and he asked this simple question that really cleared all the doubts.
It is likely to be the cause of the detection of causes and treatments.
If the male canary does not sing
These are the first questions he asks.
Stop singing. Fortunately, most causes of causation are transient and not of physical origin.
For this reason, thanks to some little tricks, we can eliminate the causes of our friend’s discomfort and allow him to re-energize his singing.
The canary that does not sing the reasons
Let’s look at the following scenarios:
- The canary is sad. It would be presumptuous to think that we alone can suffer from mood swings. Cage change, temperature, heat is not appropriate. All of these reasons make us sad cause him to stop singing.
- Its development is not over yet. It was suspended and resumed normally when developing. For now, however, it seems that this is the time when he tries to film it.
- Faulty power supply. Like us, even canaries can be affected by the wrong diet. To be more in the winter and less in the summer. Likewise, lettuce and other vegetables should be more present in summer.
- Beware of being potential, which makes it convenient.
Canaries do not sing and lose their feathers
This may be one of the most common reasons. If the feathers are falling out, it is very common for the canary to stop singing.
It’s a process that most birds go through, in preparation for the cold season, forgoing summer plumage in favor of warmer plumage. I’ve been seeming to hear good energy. In this case, you do not need to worry as the canary will resume singing normally in the normal condition.
What to do if the canary does not sing?
Being a great ally
So we move on to:
- Keep it with us in a room where we spend most of the time. What is in the room.
- Wait for his physiological development to complete. This happened the first time, let’s move it to the topic again.
- Active business.
Just in case none of these solutions work, we seek the advice of a veterinarian who specializes in pet birds .