
Dog training to return

Dog training to return

Having a dog attack the ball can be both fun and a great way to exercise. Here are some of the basic concepts I’ve come up with for training a dog to fetch. The video above, combined with a little patience and time, will happily see most dogs getting the ball back on their feet.

excite your dog

This is one of those rare times when you are really trying to excite your dog. We usually try to calm our dogs down, but to get them to chase the ball, you want them to be full of energy. Get strong, run a little, raise your voice, get excited, even throw the ball and chase it yourself! Of course, if there are other dogs chasing the ball, this is a much easier option.

Never chase your dog

The most important thing to stick to is to never chase your dog, a lot of dogs just hang out and chase after your dog and you just need to give up a few times until you start to think it’s a mistake.It’s a good game. And if you can’t catch them, what’s the point of chasing them?

environmental control

To catch your dog once he’s got the ball, tie a rope to his collar and use it to encourage him to get closer to you. If you’re lucky, you may not need a streak. In either case, the line will only be needed for a short time, but it is necessary to prevent the start of the chase game.


Once you get close enough to your dog, give him the best ball treat. They will quickly understand that it is a good exchange, ball for reward. Especially when you throw the ball at them again.

No benefit?

If your dog is not really interested, remember that there are dogs who are not interested in chasing the ball and returning it to you knowing that you will throw it again! Sometimes they can be one of those breeds that are often associated with a love of ball and stalking… The truth is that with these dogs there is no point in trying to change them. Advice and it is best to find an activity that they enjoy.

As with everything, patience and time are required. Get ready to win, finish on a high note, and don’t forget to have fun and enjoy the ride

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