9 Reasons Becoming a Dog Trainer Is the Best Job Ever

9 Reasons Becoming a Dog Trainer Is the Best Job Ever
If you wake up every morning and dread getting out of bed to go to work, you’re not alone.
In fact, for years, I woke up at dawn, made a long commute to my job, sat at a desk for 8+ hours, and worked at a job I absolutely hated because I felt I had no other choice.
It was terrible.
I wasted many years climbing the company ladder, chasing numbers, meeting deadlines, and stressing out on projects I didn’t enjoy. I couldn’t believe I had any other options… until one day everything changed.
There was a point in my life when I decided I had to make a change and sought the advice of a career counselor.
Thanks to this meeting, I discovered that I could actually pursue my passion while earning a living. That day I made the decision to follow my dreams and start what I believe is the best job ever…
If you feel that you are in a similar situation as I have been, love dogs, and have a passion for making a difference in the lives of humans and their pets, then there is no doubt that this is the right career path for you as well.
If the idea of hanging out with lovely dogs all day and following your dreams isn’t enough, I encourage you to check out the following nine reasons why becoming a dog trainer is the best decision of your life!
The number one reason to become a dog trainer – in high demand
In this day in this age, dogs are more part of our lives than ever before.
But just because people own dogs, doesn’t mean they know how to properly train them.
Here’s the problem… Dogs have a certain way of being, and a certain way of communicating that is different from humans. And because people are not able to think like a dog, a lot of training problems occur.
The big problem is that although thousands of people have dogs, many do not know how to communicate with them .
Even day care facilities and boarding kennels don’t always know how to properly train and interact with dogs. Crazy, right?
Sounds awful, but this is actually great news.
Reason #2 to become a dog trainer – Freedom
It takes a special kind of person to enjoy being chained to a desk for 8 or more hours a day. This person isn’t me, and given that you’re reading this post, I’m assuming it’s not you either.
The beauty of becoming a dog trainer is that you are your own boss. You set your own working hours and schedule and this gives you a lot of freedom.
Thanks to my job as a dog trainer, I spend fewer hours working and more hours doing the things I love, like kite surfing and spending time with my family.
If I decide I want to take a week off, no problem.
If I only want to work from Monday to Wednesday, that’s great!
Even between consultations, I can find myself relaxing in the coffee shop with a coffee and a caramel slice, enjoying a day without the stress or worry of the next consultation…all very different from my life in the company where every second was timed.
You found the idea.
As a dog trainer, you will find yourself with more freedom than anyone with a desk job.
Reason #3 to become a dog trainer – TIME
Working as a dog trainer means you should never be in a rush.
This is what I mean by that…
Every dog learns in its own time. Some dogs may learn to follow a command within an hour, while others may take weeks to learn the same.
So don’t promise that the dog will stop X and Y before the end of the session (this is not a fast food restaurant) but you will show the owners the skills and tools to train their dog.
Because of this, you can control time without deadlines or stress, unlike regular jobs.
Sure, you can continue to support them while they go, but it’s not all up to you! Now how’s that to rest!
The fourth reason to become a dog trainer – confidence
Many people question the idea of whether or not they actually have a real gift that they can contribute to the world.
It’s easy to think that “there’s nothing of my own” when you’re stuck behind a desk all day or spend your days doing something you don’t really like.
I had the same thoughts before I became a dog trainer too.
But once I followed my heart and started working with dogs, I realized I already had a gift that I could share with the world. And not only was this gift something I loved, but it also allowed me to make a tangible difference in the world.
But this is the best part…
This gift of being able to train dogs has also given me a tremendous amount of confidence.
It’s amazing how that confidence starts to radiate when you find your purpose in life.
Before I knew it, everyone wanted my secrets and skills.
I felt important and to this day my confidence continues to grow as I pursue my passion.
Being able to communicate with a dog and then hook it up to change its behavior is amazing…and one that most dog owners are desperate to understand.
Reason #5 to Become a Dog Trainer – Become a Champion
There is no better pleasure than leaving a training consultation knowing that you have changed the lives of both animal and human.
We look at it this way…
Image save a small dog who is constantly subjected to a shock collar because he is misunderstood and does not understand what is being asked of him.
Just apply some gentle training techniques and now this little guy who shrunk into the corner in fear of shock can sleep peacefully in the sunlight.
You can also relieve a grieving owner of the thought of having to get rid of a dog with aggressive problems.
Become a dog trainer and using my natural training methods, you can literally save an animal’s life and restore hope to a human in just a few hours.
If these things don’t make you feel like a hero, I don’t know what you will!
Reason #6 to become a dog trainer – PASSION
If you had millions of dollars and never had to work a day in your life again, what would you do?
As for me, I can honestly say I’m going to live my life the way I am now…surfing, hanging out at the beach, being with my family, and of course dog training.
Because all of these activities are things I’m passionate about.
It’s really amazing that you think people are willing to pay me to do what I love every day.
Your job should be something you are passionate about. If you love animals and people, there is no doubt that you will be excited to work as a dog trainer.
Reason #7 to Become a Dog Trainer – Diversity
Every day you spend as a different dog trainer. This is great.
Honestly, who wants to follow the same routine day in and day out. boring!
Every time I go and do another consultation, I work with new people, new dogs, address new behavioral issues, find new solutions for clients, etc.
I promise you, with a dog training profession you will never be bored.
Over the years I have been fortunate enough to work with some of the best countries, celebrities, movie stars, sports stars, billionaires… and they all thanked me and made me feel special!
However, what I enjoyed most was spending time, learning and sharing with some of the most amazing, kind, loving, fun, people you can imagine…
I have stories for a lifetime!
Reason #8 to Become a Dog Trainer – Contribution
I’ve had years in a profession that I’m not satisfied with. In fact, my previous career was more draining than anything else.
This made me feel like I had little, if nothing at all, to contribute.
Then I started my career as a dog trainer.
I immediately felt satisfied with the work I was doing. Most importantly, I felt that I was able to give back to my community and make a real difference to the lives of my clients and their dogs.
Dog training has given me a career that I feel contributes to a noble cause – keeping dogs and their humans safe and happy.
If you want to explore a career that makes you feel good and gives you a good purpose, dog training is a great path to follow.
Reason #9 to Become a Dog Trainer – Growth
Deep down, I believe that everyone has a desire to constantly learn, grow, and improve themselves.
I know I definitely do.
This is what makes dog training so much fun!
Every time I interact with a dog I learn something new. I am always developing and developing new skills – without the stress of having to attend meetings, seminars and spend hours in class.
As a dog trainer, you will be able to experience the same feeling of growth as you pursue your career.
You will love it!
Are you ready to start doing the best job ever as a dog trainer?
Over the past two years my team and I have put together the most amazing courses that will show you a new approach to gentle dog training. I suggest you check it out!
There really is no other program like it!
So if you’re stuck in a job rut, don’t see any future in what you do, have no passion for work or simply have a dream of doing something special… then maybe it’s time for a change!
I used to think that in order to be a dog trainer, you had to breed one.
Now I realize it’s like anything in life…it’s a decision you make.
It could be the best you can make.