black footed cat
Black Cat Facts

the black Cat
- Common name: black cat
- Kingdom: Animalia
- Phylum: Chordata (Vertebrates)
- Category: Mammals
- Order: Carnivora
- Family: Felidae
- Gender: Felines (Felis)
- Species: negris
Lifespan: Captive black-footed cats lived to be 13 years old.
Subspecies: Some sources list a southern subspecies, Felis nigripes thomasi, but many authorities today question the authenticity of this subspecies.
Size and Appearance: The black-footed cat is perhaps Africa’s smallest wild cat species, with the black-footed cat weighing on average only 2.4 to 4.2 pounds when fully grown. As with many other animals, females are generally smaller than males.
wild cats

Head and body length (not including tails): Males are about 14-17 inches long. Their tails are about 6 to 8 inches long. Again, females are generally smaller than males.
Size: Males are typically around 8-10 inches when measured at the shoulder.
Colouration: Overall they are buff with heavy oblong black markings, paws have dense dark streaks or “ringbars” on the paws, tail and neck of this adorable little wild cat.
Leg coloring: the underside of the legs and the pads of the feet are black. This is where their name comes from.
Skin Color: The skin of these cats differs from other wild cats as their skin is pink.
Ear Color: The back of their ears have the same coloring as the bottom of their coat.
Eyes: He has very large eyes.
Habitat: Black-footed cats are nocturnal inhabitants of the arid lands of southern Africa , usually associated with open, sandy grassy habitats with sparse brush and tree cover. Although little studied in the wild, the optimal habitat appears to be areas of tall grass savannah with a high density of rodents and birds. During the day, they live in abandoned, dug burrows or in holes in termite mounds.
During the year, males roam up to 8.5 square miles. while females range up to 4 square miles. The territory of the male overlaps the territory of one to four females.
Distribution: Black-footed cats are native to arid southern regions of Africa such as Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Angola, but are not the driest or sandiest regions of the Namib or Kalahari deserts . Before its numbers dwindled so much, it was known to inhabit Botswana. Unfortunately, none have been seen in Botswana for a long time.
Reproduction: Females reach sexual maturity around 8 to 12 months. They are only in estrus for a day or two at a time, during which time they are receptive to mating within hours. They can have two liters a year.
Offspring: Females usually have two kittens but sometimes they have three kittens or just one kitten. It is very rare to have four kittens in a litter. Gestation lasts about 63 to 68 days. The kitten weighs about 2 to 3 ounces at birth. The kittens are blind and completely dependent on their mother.
Black-legged kittens grow faster than domestic cats. They have to do this because the environment they live in can be dangerous. They begin to walk around two weeks of age. At around one month of age, they begin to eat solid foods and are weaned at around two months of age.
Cats are born and grow up and are a burrow-like den. Mothers often move kittens to new locations after they are about a week old.
They are independent when they are four or five months old. They may remain in their mother’s territory for some time after becoming independent.
rusty spotted cat
Social System Behavior and Communication: Not much is known about this species, but like most other small cats, black-footed cats are solitary and only come together to mate. Black-footed cats are very antisocial. These cats are rarely seen at all. They will run and hide at the slightest sign of something or someone coming.
Their cries are louder than those of other cats of their size, probably to enable them to communicate over relatively large distances. However, when close together, they use a quieter purr or gurgle. If they feel threatened, they will hiss and even growl.
They are believed to be strictly nocturnal between sunset and sunrise. During the day, they rest in densely covered areas. They are known to spend daylight hours in unoccupied burrows of primroses, porcupines, and warthogs. They will dig in the sand to adjust those burrows and dens to get it just the way they want it. They are also found in hollow termite mounds during the day.
If a black-footed cat is cornered, it can be very fierce. Because of this behavior, they are sometimes called miershoopter when translated as “anthill tigers”.
They mark their territory by smell by spraying urine. Males can spray up to twelve times per hour. They also sniff while scratching and rubbing against objects. They will also mark their territories by leaving their poop where it can be easily seen by others.
Hunting and Diet: In the wild, their diet consists mainly of mammals, small birds, insects, spiders and reptiles. Many captive cats are fed commercial diets for cats and mice, and further investigation of their nutritional needs is warranted. They hunt by stalking, running and swooping, or they wait for their prey outside rodent burrows. They can travel up to 5 miles per night while hunting.
They have a higher energy requirement than other African cats because of this they can kill and eat up to 14 small prey items at night.
They usually catch rodents and small birds. Although not their favorite prey, they are capable of downing white bustards. Although the Cape hare is larger than the black-legged cat, it can take one down.
They sometimes hide part of their dinner for later.
These cats hunt by stalking and sneaking their prey. Sometimes, instead of stalking, they will dislodge their prey from cover and pounce on it.
They have been observed to wait quietly with their eyes closed outside rodent dens and burrows. Their eyes may be closed but they are not sleeping. Each sense is awake and alert only in anticipation of the faint sound or movement of emerging prey.
Interesting Notes:
Something different about the black cat is that it is a poor climber. They don’t care about tree branches. The reason for this is that their stocky body and short tail make climbing trees difficult.
They get all the moisture they need from their prey, but drink water when it is available.
The black cat is known for its courage and perseverance.
Main Threats: Little is known about its true status in the wild, and farmers rarely report the capture of black-footed cats during animal surveys. Indiscriminate methods of predator control can pose a major threat, as toxic baits and traps set for feral cats and African jackals can easily pose a threat, as black-legged cats feed easily. A similar threat is poisoning by locusts, which are a favorite food. They have few natural enemies in agricultural areas except for jackals and caracals, and may be more common than originally thought.Widespread loss of grassland due to overgrazing by livestock throughout the species’ range may be its greatest threat, as may habitat degradation which has reduced the cat’s small prey base.
Status: Classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN since 2002. The black-footed cat is one of the least studied wild cats in Africa. Felis nigripes is listed in Appendix I of CITES and is protected by national legislation in most of its range. Hunting is prohibited in Botswana and South Africa.
Felid TAG 2003 recommendation: black-footed cat (Felis nigripes). One of the most common small cats, black-footed cats suffer from unique kidney issues that may be stress or diet related. These problems can affect longevity in zoos. Recent research shows promise for this species and further importation is possible. With a regional and international breeding book, the SSP is recommended for a target group of 80 individuals.
How rare is this cat? The International Species Information Service lists 21 aviaries worldwide, including 21 in the United States