How to choose the right thing for your horse
Do your bits fit your horse?
With so many conflicting theories about the fit of a cut, it’s hard to decipher whether your horse is sitting properly in its mouth.
Improper dentures can cause a variety of unwanted problems, including cuts, abrasions, behavioral problems, and general discomfort.
This blog post is designed to give advice on these hard-to-answer questions eg Does my little horse fit a little right? Does my horse’s style match? Does the article really make a difference?
something is right…
First, the mouth folds theory is not specific enough to rely on it on its own. You should always adapt the thing to your horse’s individual and unique mouth. Many horses can naturally have dimples in the corner of their mouths – this does not mean that their gums are in a bad position.
The piece should go into the horse’s mouth, leaving just enough room so the metal rings don’t press on the delicate skin. A great way to measure this is to stand in front of the horse and place both index fingers in each corner of its mouth.
You should be able to wrap your fingers around the teeth without tearing your skin or feeling tight (but still some pressure).
When checking the bit, you should also make sure the bit is in the middle – equal amounts of the bit should be visible on each side of the horse’s mouth.
The piece should also rest properly in your mouth when the cheek pieces stick to the bridle. Sitting high can cause head shaking, and if sitting too low it will be difficult to maintain regular contact between you and your horse.
When examining the cheeks of your bridle, you should have a little tension and elasticity in the leather straps. If your horse’s cheek pieces are loose, this means that the piece is sitting deep in the horse’s mouth. You can often solve this problem by raising or lowering your buckle with a few holes!
Proper leverage in a bridle can mean the difference between a bad part and an excellent fit!
Which piece should I choose?
Choosing a small style to suit your horse is often seen as a minefield. With so many options available, it can be hard to know which part will suit your horse.
Regardless of whether you have a young horse in training or you just bought a new horse that you are grooming with a new saddle wardrobe – you should always start simple!
The light part is a great place to start, just remember you can always build on it. Essentially, you are looking for the lightest part possible that you can use to communicate efficiently with your horse.
the outer part
The outer rings of the bits are meant to help one way or the other. However, not many people realize that less is more.
If your horse accepts something simple and works well, there’s no need to swap and swap – it’s just going to create confusion, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it!
It is important to emphasize that changing equipment will not lead to a result overnight. It takes practice and patience to achieve the results you want.
The number of bits that have now appeared in the equine world can be bewildering. Some of the old/traditional bits are explained below – and remember, as mentioned earlier, sometimes less is more!
loose ring
The name says it all, the loose loop piece allows more movement in the horse’s mouth as it is not a static structure. However, it is important to attach these pieces correctly, otherwise the leather can be pinched.
The eggbutt design is a solid construction that does not allow the horse a great deal of freedom of movement. This piece is intended to encourage the horse to work the lower back.
It’s worth noting that horses that tend to lean on the bit may not do well with this consistent biting pattern.
d ring
Similar to eggs, the D-ring provides stability in the mouth. The difference lies in the shape of the ring.
The “D” shape limits the turning motion in the horse’s mouth, so a little more lateral pressure is applied when riding.
full cheek
The full jaw is a bit small, and the large forks attached to the ring simply aid in lateral steering and keep the horse stable in the horse’s mouth.
These parts can be good for school and give the right shape.
popular horns
The severity of your bite depends largely on the mouthpiece. There are different styles, shapes, materials, and textures that can affect how little works in a horse’s mouth.
With this in mind, it is important to remember that the part is always just as strong as the hands of the rider holding the reins.
single joint
Instead of the outer rings, the inner horns determine the intensity of the bit. A simple loose-jointed piece is the lightest mouthpiece. The single hinge nutcracker runs on the horse’s surface when severely pressed.
With this in mind, it may not be an appropriate bit selection for a horse with a low palate. The quiet pair understands that these parts remain moderate and useful for training purposes.
French links
The link between the joint is added in the mouthpiece to create the French link bit. The diamond in the middle of the piece allows for more movement.
Note that if your horse has a sensitive tongue, the pressure applied by the French joint’s tongue may not be appropriate.
Moulen mouth
The Mullen’s mouthpiece is a straight rod that goes into a horse’s mouth. The tongue and lips are pressed. The thickness of the mouth of the mullein can also vary greatly.
In general, the thinner the horse’s mouth, the stronger the horse’s mouth.
See also: My Favorite Pieces (and Why I Use Them) )
The type of material it is made of can also affect the acceptability of the bit. Traditionally, most pieces were made of stainless steel.
The stainless steel provides good saliva flow and keeps the mouthpiece cool during use. However, with the development of equestrian sports, there appears to be a shift to alternative materials such as rubber, plastic, copper, and sweet iron.
It has been proven that substances exposed to oxidants increase salivation. Plastic has become a popular set of teeth due to the added flavor. However, it is important to remember that materials such as plastic are generally thicker and generally cause more friction in the mouth.
Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages at times – after all, it depends on your horse specifically, since each animal is unique.
In short, there are no definitive instructions on how to properly tune a bit because every horse is different and unique.
You know your horse better than anyone, which is why you are the best judge. Just remember to check for proper pressure in the mouth and cheeks, as well as to make sure the rings are not too close to the mouth.
If you’re not sure what kind of piece it is, try a few – just start the bridle and listen to what your horse tells you.
The ultimate goal is to find the lightest part where your horse will work well and won’t object.