6 tips for happy and healthy domestic cats
As a pet owner, you want the best for your furry family members. By keeping your cat indoors, you ensure his safety and reduce his chance of infection and disease. However, domestic cats also have potential health risks. For indoor cats, lack of exercise and boredom can lead to both physical and emotional stress.
A study by Ohio State University found that healthy cats show signs of illness when they are stressed. However, cats diagnosed with common inflammatory diseases such as feline interstitial cystitis (sterile cystitis) became healthier when stress levels decreased. Your cat at home may not act as if he is under stress, but cat health problems may indicate otherwise.
Notice how cats behave in the wild and create a similar environment in your home. Get the outdoors indoors by following these tips below and giving your cat a safe, happy and healthy home.
1. Give cats their own personal space
The area is very important for cats, especially if they share the same home with other pets. Some cats are friendly and social, but most cats are independent by nature. They need a private space where they can hide and feel safe.
Competition between cats in the same household is one of the most common causes of behavioral problems such as urine spraying, defecating or urinating outside the litter box, and destructive scratching. Each cat should have its own space, including a separate litter box, feeding station, and a separate area for playing and sleeping.
2. Feed indoor cats a healthy diet and plenty of water
Cats in the wild are foraging for their own food and may eat up to 20 small meals a day. While hunting, they frequently exercise when roaming in search of food and water. By keeping cats indoors, you create a state of lethargy. Domestic cats do not have to work for their food compared to outdoor pets. Oftentimes, they consume too many calories and do not exercise enough. Lack of exercise leads to overweight and obesity and puts them at risk of developing feline diabetes.
It is important to feed domestic cats mostly canned food. Canned food gives them much-needed moisture and protein in their diet. Ensure fresh water is always available for your pet. Cats also enjoy drinking from a moving water fixture such as a fountain or a bowled aquarium.
Cats also love to chew on grass and plants, which also helps with digestion. Before buying plants, look for plants that are non-toxic and won’t make cats sick. Look for organic vegetables like catnip or mint to reduce your cat’s exposure to pesticides.
3. Provide a comfortable and quiet sleeping area
Cats need a comfortable place to sleep that is quiet and safe, and most cats like to sleep alone. They enjoy curling up in a blanket or cat bed, or sometimes sleeping inside a crate or basket. Cats often like to sleep in higher places where they are safe and can see their surroundings.
Try to meet their sleep needs as much as possible. Cats have a constantly fluctuating sleep-wake cycle. In the wild, cats hunt several times a day so they nap frequently to keep their activity level high. Keep your cat happy by providing several comfortable napping spots throughout your home.
4. Make sure your cats get plenty of exercise
Encourage your cat to exercise by placing scratching posts around the house. Use a variety of options including horizontal and vertical posts and poles made of different materials such as sisal rope and cardboard. Place scratching posts near crowded areas of the home so that your cat is more likely to use them. Add a scratching post to his favorite sleeping spot, so he can tense and flex his muscles and let him discern his scent.
Cats have a natural curiosity and enjoy watching their surroundings from a safe and discreet distance. Multiple perches on the windows and sturdy bookcases encourage jumping and movement throughout the day. Place feeding bowls off the floor, but make sure arthritic cats can still comfortably reach the bowl. By changing the location of the food dish or hiding small portions of food around the house, this encourages the cats to exercise and search for their food.
5. Entertain and motivate cats with toys and interactive games
Because cats get bored easily with their toys, rotate new toys every 1-2 weeks. Playtime keeps them active and motivated so they don’t get into mischief. These are the fun and interactive games and toys to play indoors with your cat:
• Large cardboard boxes – for playing and hiding inside
• Stuffed catnip socks
• Non-toxic cat bubbles
• Feeding ball for play and treat
• Laser LEDs –
never point at the cat’s eyes • Pull shoelaces on the floor
• Toss a ball or grind on a surface/floor Solid
• Play hide and seek with your cat
Train your cat so that he can get outside and enjoy the fresh air while still being closely supervised. Checked outdoor enclosures also allow indoor cats to roam safely outdoors. If your cat is alone during the day, play soothing cat music or videos only or adopt a companion cat so she has a playmate. Remember to introduce the cats to each other slowly and give them plenty of space.
6. Put litter boxes in suitable places
Place litter boxes in clean, safe, and comfortable locations throughout your home. Follow these litter box tips to prevent behavioral problems such as signs of urine or defecation outside the box: